The story behind the name
It all begins with an idea. I have wanted to start a blog for years but never knew where to start or what to write about. After reading the story about the Woman at the Well, I decided it was time to start the blog and have my very first post be about one of my favorite stories.
I was recently reading the story about the women at the well in John 4. It is one of my favorite stories. The way Jesus interacted with this woman is beautiful to me. He gave her the gift of being able to drink from the true living water- He Himself. Before you dive into this post, I’d encourage you to read the story in John 4.
This is such a powerful story. It begins with a woman who goes to the well alone, every day at noon. She goes at that time because everyone in her community has lost respect for her due to her her sexual sin and immorality. When she arrives, Jesus asks her for a drink of water and she questions who he is. One thing I noticed while reading is that that though Jesus starts with who He is, He doesn’t ignore who she is. While He calls her out on her sin, He does so in love. “Sir,” she said, “give me this water that I won’t get thirsty and come here to draw water.” (John 4:15.) Jesus goes on to explain to her that He is the living water and the Messiah. She was standing beside Jesus, in the flesh and yet could not fully comprehend what He was telling her. This part of the story paints a beautiful picture of grace. You don’t have to fully understand the gospel in order to receive it.
This story ends with the woman going back to her hometown and telling all of her neighbors how she met the Messiah and how He knew every detail about her. After sharing her story, many people from the village came to know Jesus that day. This story is so powerful because Jesus says “come as you are.” He can redeem any situation, circumstance or relationship. He says, “come to me child and I will give you rest.” He is ready to welcome us with open arms and forgive us and lead us along the path of righteousness.
So, all of that to say, the name “Let’s meet at the well” comes from this story. Jesus meets the woman right where she is at that day at the well. She encounters Him and her life is forever changed. The living water is the only thing that can truly satisfy our thirst.
Some reflection questions: How has Jesus changed your life? Is His work in your life evident to those around you? Do we let Jesus meet us right where we are or do we try and hide the messy or dark parts of our life?